gita latersya 915110202
harlyan octora 915110215
helva w 915110218
noviana gumarus 915110226
felix 915110213
The first time we are thinking about campus life, we imagine that campus life will be better than school life. but in fact, the campus life isn't good we thought before. we must be focus foe study in campus than school life.
campus life have a lot of the sepecial law witch isn't
subtited to the general law. we realized that we have a lot of difference between in the campus and in senior hight school. especially, when the lecturerl teach us. teachers always care with us than lecturers.
subtited to the general law. we realized that we have a lot of difference between in the campus and in senior hight school. especially, when the lecturerl teach us. teachers always care with us than lecturers.
lecturers make us to be more more adult and use our brain. moreeover, lecturers make us to be responsiility of what we do. lecturers always give some duties after he teached. we have a lot of presentation and do if in front of class. because we learn communication, we always prectice speaking and keep socialiszation with other especially in the untar's area.
being university student is very be happy, but have a some bad things too. especially when university student who live in outside Jakarta. they must to rent a house and live with independently. they must live with long distance from home and parents.
wearing clothes when we go to collage and go to school it's very different. go to campus always wear freely clothes with polite than go to school must wear uniforms. we go to campus more comfortable with what we wear. this makes us more be confident.
after that, we also allowed to go to campus by private care and motorcycle. Tarumanagara University have an axtensive park than other campus in the parking Tarumanagara University also affordable so rarely heard the announcement of the missing car.
we got a lot of new experience in the campus, we got a new life, new fiends. new lecturers and new lessons. in the campus life, people always do individually than when we were senior hight school. but in the campus, we should make large networking for do exercaise.
the first time, we saw the building of Tarumanagara University, it's really cool and nice. After that, senior in tarumanagara university have a good character with us. life on tarumanagara university is very mutual respect. senior and junior no incontestably with another and maintain a good relations.
we have been ospek 3 days. as long as ospek, senior give us some regulations in the campus. after that, senior gave instruction to us about the lesson. the lesson are public realition, advertasing and journalist.
after ospek we got an class E. class E have 23 universty student, thay consist of various tribes and character. although different, we always pal up with all and never sidtinguish tribes. the tribe are "batak", "sunda", "jawa", "arab", etc.
in the class E, there are some people who have a bad behavoir. they prefer to do things with them selves without requiring help from others. but not everyone in the class E witch have behaviour like them. in the class E also there are some people who prefer to socialize with others.
aituation in the class E have a lot of kinds. they are some people who are care with the lessons, there are some people who likes to play his phone in the class. people in the class E very talkative. we always talktive than attention the lecturer when he teached us. but it all make class E into a compact class every day.
our first day got to a campus was thursday we learned by english and computers. we introduced ourselves and discuss the rules that apply in the classroom for one semester. during the lesson, we just being silent and smiled with people in the class E. but, there are some people who already know each other because one school in senoor high school.
Tarumanagara University made "makrab" for factualy of communication 2011. this event bring yourself to be close with senior and lecturers in the faculty of communication. "makrab" leasted 3 days in the puncak. after attended "makrab", we became ecquainted and spirit for study in a Tarumanagara University.
When I'm still in senior high school, I never think that I will study communication. At that time I decided to study accounting. But it change when my brother tell me that accounting is too hard for me, so at last I change my mind and study communication.
I think it's not bad to study communication, through communication, peoples come to understand each other better, and its easy for us to make a relationship with every people we know.
So, in the end I decided to study communication. In this way I wish I can discover a new world with every people and I hope what I learn is useful for the future.
noviana gumarus 915110226Communication is a topic that people assume they know a great deal about,
particularly because they interact with many individuals on a daily basis via
multiple channels face-to-face conversations, phone, and email. There is much
more to the discipline of Communication than many realize
During my first semester at Tarumanagara University, I had the privilege to
take a class called Persuasion. The knowledge acquired in this class
equipped me to be a clever discerner of the Media. I can read hidden
agendas behind commercials, headlines, store promotions, and so on. This
class has also helped me to pose intelligent questions when making decisions.
In the end, because communication is one of the engines of modern times, we
need to study its internal mechanisms so that we can in turn better understand
and influence the world we live in.
gita latersya 915110202
when i was child, i liked to talk and socialize with people around me. repoter is my dream faculty of cominication is a kay to be reporter. i want to be a good reporter and accepted by people in indonesia. i choos factualy of communication because i choos communication as my wish and my dream, acedmis at tarumanagara have a complete facilities that have been prepared by the university tarumanagara, the fees charged to university students of my class is quite affordable. i hope my dream comes true after i study at tarumanagara and i always asked for support from all lecturers at tarumanagara to be able to answer a big question on the of comunication that has been embedded on my mind when i was a child.
felix 915110213
i study communication to be understand the world we live in. a smaller world. more contacts, more interplay, more exchanges, more trade. daily life in the 21st century, shaped as it is by the effect of globalizaction, has at its core the art and since of communication. throught communication humanity expolers, learns, discovers. people and culturs and individu come to understand each other better. socialy ties strengthen and cultular energy surges.
communication is in the fact a staple of human interaction, from workplace co-operation and corporate public realitionsto tv programming, e-commerce and the realitions to tv programming, e-commerce and the promotion of goverment helaty and enveronmental policies, communication weighs in at everylevel. our provessional and family activities, as well as our leisure time, are all shaped to a gree by informaion and communication technologyies, be they more tradisional like print media, radio, cinema, television or more recentweb.with a sound grasp of persuasion techiques.
we can better analyze and interpret political and govermental communications, whose numbers and complexity continue to grow as never before. in the and, because communication is one of engines of moderen times, we need to study its internal mechanisms so that we can in trun better understand and influence the world we lie in.
harlyan octora 915110215
i took this faculty of communication because when i was in senior high school i took "bahasa", i think "bahasa" and communication is connected with each other and i wanna be journalist, if i choose factualty that don't connected with"bahasa", it will make me uncomfortable to follow the subject. so i picked this faculty i thing communication is best way to start my carrier as journalist